Monday, April 19, 2010

St. Junk's Cathedral

Throughout this week, you will learn one lesson: junk can be beautiful. And one great example is the Cathedral of Junk Austin, Texas. Invisible from the neighborhood surrounding it, the Cathedral of Junk is a seemingly endless structure with towering spires, narrow corridors, open rooms, vaulted ceilings, and 2 floors made completely out of junk. From car doors to toilets, old skis to lawn mowers, bike tires to pianos, this place has a lot of junk- 6 tons to be exact. Rich southern vegetation weaves throughout the many passages; it adds a lot of excitement. No welding involved: it's all held together by bungee cords and wires! You will find Vince Hannemann, the owner, in his "throne room", a circular junk room with a small chair made of something that is still unknown. Vince started the Cathedral behind his house back in '88 when he was in his 20s with a small garden featuring the "Pyramid of TVs"(now the Zen garden of TVs) and added on to it. People are always bringing him interesting junk. This is one junky place that definitely isn't worth throwing out!

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