Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Beginning: Tarot Cards and....Sculptures?

We will begin our journey in a funky and eccentric sculpture garden in Tuscany, Italy. It is called El Giardino dei Tarocchi (translation: The Tarot Garden). It's a beautiful sculpture garden where 21 sculptures sit making tourists say "WOW". Each sculpture represents a different tarot card and has a special meaning. On the website, you can see their meanings. Do you see that big lady with the blue hair in the front? She was actually the artist's house (Sadly, the artist is dead.). If you like this style of art, you should see the Niki Museum in Nasu, Japan (The artist's name was Niki de Saint Phalle.). It features over 470 pieces of her art, which is mostly very big, alongside descriptions by Niki herself. I would love to see this place!

p.s. My favorites are The Devil, The Emperor, and The Sun (see website)!

p.p.s. Special thanks to the Schaeberle's, my German friends, for sending me a postcard from Italy. If you didn't send it, I wouldn't know about it!

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